Karen James is a purpose expert with a no-nonsense approach to igniting ethical transformation for organisations. Karen James believes it is time for just change.
Sharing her unique expertise generously with women in our community, Karen has stayed on the journey with SCF and Sydney Women’s Fund for over ten years now.
Every year the Women’s Micro Business Incubator teaches 10 economically disadvantaged women from the Liverpool area on how to start their own business. Karen kicks off each series with an inspiring, 10-Step workshop to get the women ‘on purpose’.
Since 2014, the Women’s Micro Business Incubator run by Liverpool Neighbourhood Connections, has supported 45 women and launched 10 small businesses with more in the pipeline. Graduates receive a $500 start up grant and ongoing mentoring on successful completion of the 12 week program.
Karen James is an extraordinary woman who generously imparts her business skills and incredible knowledge on having a Purpose to our Business Incubator women who have suffered much disadvantage in their life.
SCF are experts in granting to local grassroots charities of Sydney. With over ten years experience, SCF are the small grant specialists. Recognising the barriers faced by those struggling in our city, SCF has distributed almost $3 million to innovative charities across Greater Sydney. Creating opportunities for people in need by developing their strengths and supporting individuals in their journey to independence.
SWF has a 10 year history of applying a gender lens to grantmaking in the Greater Sydney area. Established in 2006 as a sub-fund of SCF, SWF invests, inspires and supports opportunities for local women and girls to thrive.
It’s ‘Portrait’ research forms an evidence base to inform Government; Private Ancillary Funds; Corporates; and Individuals; on resource gaps in social investment in women and girls and guides their granting to greater equality and impact.