In Season 1 we talked about you and creating your blueprint, Season 2 was with conversations with people who are living their purpose and with this new third Season, we will explain closely the intersection of three areas – capital markets, global needs and human behaviours and how they all work together.
In Season 3 I will talk about three people I follow closely Blackrock’s CEO Larry Fink, Marvin Oka and Professor Muhammad Yunus.
In Larry’s 2018 open letter to CEO A Sense of Purpose he talks about why all corporations need a long-term growth strategy of stakeholder engagement on a global platform and the need to move away from short-term pressures.
“Without a sense of purpose, no company, either public or private, can achieve its full potential. It will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders. It will succumb to short-term pressures to distribute earnings, and, in the process, sacrifice investments in employee development, innovation, and capital expenditures that are necessary for long-term growth. It will remain exposed to activist campaigns that articulate a clearer goal, even if that goal serves only the shortest and narrowest of objectives. And ultimately, that company will provide subpar returns to the investors who depend on it to finance their retirement, home purchases, or higher education.”
Larry Fink
Today’s GOPA – Read Larry’s 2018 and 2017 open letter to CEOs A Sense of Purpose
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